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Small Water, Big Water, No Water

Two years of drought

With this years waterfowl season fast approaching how will the drought affect the birds in the Mississippi Flyway? It's all going to come down to food, water, and if we get any major drops in temps.

Private clubs will be able to hold water and food but with the majority of public land that isn't managed for ducks not under water. Predictions are that where they can rest and eat food will be wiped out fast. If temps change with the impending polar vortex a push of ducks will only amplify it. This could make for a short and fast season with birds pushed fast down the flyway looking to fill their bellies and avoid getting shot at. For the water we do have I'm hopeful that spotty conditions will force the ducks to move more to avoid the hunting pressure. Meaning birds not really have a pattern down to avoid the blinds and just figuring it out on the flight.

We will also probably see more night flights and if the heat holds up birds grazing fields and marshes out food and that being the primer for them to keep flying vs staying on in one area. Being from Missouri our MDC hasn't done the best job keeps the parks and pumps going to insure great food beyond corn, or even if they can flood up an area.

So where to go then

If you don't have a club to call home I would start scouting backwater ponds, drainage areas, the big M rivers, and I'll even bet this year smaller rivers typically outside the flyway see pressure from birds looking to move and find comfort.

The key will def. be hunting the weather and watch for the first big cold push, rain and fog over night keeping ducks from flying, and if we can hope some snow storms that hit mid to late Nov. leading into Dec.

Bruce Lee said be like Water

Ducks are like the saying above they go where its wet. Find the water and find ducks this year. Limited flooding and dry conditions will def. be holding them up. This would be the year to try new things if your serious. Hunt the lakes and smaller rivers if you can't get on flooded land and take' em when you can.

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